Wuhan BJM Pharm Inc.
Contact:Linda Wang
Phone: 18607102166
Tel: 86-27-50661279
Fax: 86-27-87569543
Mail: sales04@benjaminpharmchem.com
Main product: UVT-150/OCTOCRYLENE/UV3039/Pirfenidone,Letrozole,IPTG,DL-Homocysteinethiolactone hydrochloride,Tris Base,Cyclopropylboronic Acid,L-Carnosine,L-Cysteine,D(+)-Tryptophan,BP-6,UV-3035,,Zinc pyrithione
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Wuhan BJM Pharm Inc.

Contact Person: Ms.Linda Wang
Department: Sales Department
Job Title: Sales Manager
Phone: 18607102166
Tel: 86-27-50661279
Fax: 86-27-87569543
WhatsApp Messenger: 18607102166 Chat with Linda Wang
WeChat: 18607102166
Facebook Message: linda.wang
Email: sales04@benjaminpharmchem.com
Country/Region: China
Province/State: Hubei
City: Wuhan
Zip: 430074
Address: No .41 Optics Valley Avenue, East Lake High-tech D, Wuhan, Hubei, China
Website: http://www.benjaminpharmchem.com/
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